Research projects within the Centre for Transport and Society (CTS)

Key research themes including details of research projects.

Centre for Transport and Society researchers and research students undertake studies in eight strategic theme areas.

Experience of the travel environment

Examining the experiences of routine travellers with a view to informing policy and practice.

Mobility across the life course

Examining the mobility of older persons as a product of individual life courses and aspirations.

Promoting inclusive, low carbon, active travel

Understanding the barriers to a greater role for these mobility options and developing knowledge to support their development.

Society and the motor vehicle

Developing our understanding of the ways society and the built environment have coevolved with the rise of mass private motor vehicle ownership.

Supporting and evaluating sustainable mobility strategies

Building a strong reputation in effective evaluation, from scheme conception through to monitoring of impacts post-completion.

Technologies and travel

How information-communication technologies have enhanced our ability to manage and interact with the transport system in real-time.

Towards more sustainable freight

Exploring challenges and opportunities to plan and design sustainable freight transport systems.

Understanding and influencing attitudes and behaviours

Drawing on psychology and sociology in particular in seeking to understand the theory of travel behaviour.

Centre for Transport and Society

Improve and promote understanding of the inherent links between lifestyles and personal travel.


Research centres and groups

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