Get an ORCiD

Information on how to get an ORCiD as a unique author identifier.

About ORCiD

An Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCiD) is a unique identifier that allows you to tie all your research together in one place ensuring consistent, reliable attribution of your work.

How to get an ORCiD

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Register Now - it takes 30 seconds
  3. Complete your profile using your UWE Bristol email address.

You can enhance your Biography by adding details of your Education, Employment, Funding, and Works.

An example ORCiD page is available to view.

Why you need an ORCiD

Author disambiguation: ORCiD is unique and allows you to associate variants of your name to the same ORCiD. This allows you to correctly attribute all your research outputs and get the credit for them.

Publishing research: ORCiD is supported by many professional organisations and across a large range of publishers, for example, Elsevier, IOP, NPG, and many others. Increasing numbers of publishers are now requiring authors to use an ORCiD during the publication process.

Mandatory requirements: ORCiD is currently mandated by Wellcome Trust and NIHR for their grant applications. United Kingdom Research and Innovation (UKRI) is a member of the Jisc UK ORCiD consortium and their grants system captures ORCiD identifiers.

Permanent identifier: ORCiD is a unique lifetime identifier for each individual. Changing institutions or names does not affect your ORCiD.

International standard: ORCiD is an international standard transcending discipline, geographic, national and international boundaries.

How ORCiD works with other unique identifiers

Many publishers are working with ORCiD to synchronise different identifier systems, for example, Researcher ID and Scopus ID.

In Scopus you can:

  • search by ORCiD in the Authors search field
  • include your ORCiD in your author information
  • associate your ORCiD with your Scopus ID using the "Add to ORCiD" feature in your author profile on Scopus. There is a tutorial to guide you through this process.

Securing your information on ORCiD

You can control the privacy settings of your own ORCiD Record data through various opt-in and opt-out features, so you can control how your information is published on and shared via the ORCiD Registry.