Details you'll need when contacting us

When contacting the IT Service Desk, please have the following information ready to assist us with your query:

  • your UWE Bristol username and/or student number
  • your UWE Bristol computer name and if it is a printer problem the serial number of the printer
  • details of the problem including any error messages, screenshots, and when it last worked.

Contact us

Phone us

Call us on: +44 (0)117 32 83612 (available 24 hours a day)

This is the quickest way to resolve issues as we can have an immediate conversation with you and if necessary use screen sharing technology to help get you back up and working as soon as possible.

Make sure you have the details we need to answer your query.

Core hours

  • Monday-Thursday: 08:30-17:00.
  • Friday: 08:30-16:30.

Out of hours support

Outside of core hours, phone calls are diverted to the out of hours team. If the out of hours team is unable to resolve your query, they will hand it over to the core hours team to resolve.

Support for personal devices

'Personal devices' can be defined as any devices that are not owned and managed by UWE Bristol.

We can offer limited help to students and staff for issues with the personal devices that you use for your work and studies. We can't guarantee that all devices will be compatible with our network and services, or that they will meet our security requirements.

We're happy to support and offer guidance in:

Unfortunately, we're unable to offer support for:

  • hardware troubleshooting on non-UWE Bristol provided devices
  • personal security/antivirus applications
  • accessing personal data/passwords
  • home wifi and networks
  • issues with software related to your operating system and/or the software provider. For example, conflicts with other software (including previous versions) or hardware, making registry changes, installing software not provided by UWE Bristol, or supporting how to use the software itself
  • software that has not been provided by UWE Bristol
  • the installation of operating systems on any personal device
  • support of devices without admin access or managed by other IT departments.

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