Centre for Sustainable Planning and Environments (SPE)

The Centre for Sustainable Planning and Environments (SPE) aims to develop an understanding of how to achieve healthy, resilient, sustainable and smart places, in the context of climate and ecological emergencies.

Wide upward angle shot of a tree surrounded by tall white buildings with the sun shining through the leaves.

Research areas

An overview of our key research themes and interests.


Our staff, students, and visiting professors.


Current and completed projects in our key research areas.


A list of SPE's collaborators and partners.

Postgraduate opportunities

Postgraduate opportunities in SPE.

Research seminars and podcasts

Hear more about the research from SPE.


Complete list of research publications from SPE members.

Centre enquiries

Contact information and how to find us.

Centre for Sustainable Planning and Environments blog

View the blog

Tweets by SPE


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