Accessible parking

Accessible car parking

Most of the car parks at UWE Bristol contain widened disabled bays. Car parks 8 and 15 on Frenchay Campus offer designated parking for disabled users on a swipe card access system. These car parks are located centrally and allow easy access to the main university buildings. If you require disabled parking you'll need to contact the travel team at to arrange card access to these car parks.

Local authority Blue Badge holders

Vehicles displaying a local authority mobility Blue Badge don't require additional validation permits. If you're a visitor to the University or don't have swipe access permissions for the restricted car parks, please visit the East reception, where access will be provided to the most convenient parking area.

Blue Badge holders are exempt from parking charges on campus and must have the badge displayed when parking in disabled parking bays.

UWE Bristol accessible permit scheme

UWE Bristol also operates an additional accessible permit scheme allowing for mobility issues not covered by the local authority version for University staff and students.

Please note: Blue Badge Holders and Accessible Pass holders must park in designated parking spaces or parking bays only. Vehicles left in any other areas will be subject to enforcement action if deemed to be causing nuisance, inconvenience or risk to other users or site operations.

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