Mobility disadvantage, access to training and employment, and wellbeing: the case of Lawrence Weston in Bristol

Project details

Full project title: Mobility disadvantage, access to training and employment, and wellbeing: the case of Lawrence Weston in Bristol

Sponsor: UWE Bristol through a SPUR grant

Centre for Transport and Society (CTS) team member: Dr Miriam Ricci

Start date: October 2013

Finish date: July 2014

Project briefing sheet: Download the project briefing sheet (DOC)

Project summary

This project is a knowledge and policy informing research study into the relationship between mobility disadvantage, access to training and employment and wellbeing, experienced by residents of Lawrence Weston (LW). A post-war housing estate in the North West fringe of Bristol, LW has limited transport connections to key services, neighbouring employment sites and the city centre, while being disproportionately affected by the negative externalities of transport and land use.

The objectives of the research are:

  • Understanding the role of transport barriers to access to training and employment in the context of the lives of individuals and the areas in which they live.
  • Assessing the impacts on individuals of specific transport initiatives undertaken to improve access to training and employment.
  • Disseminating findings to local policy-makers and practitioners and to UK/international academic audience.
  • The study involves qualitative data collection, through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with a cross-section of young people aged 16 and over in Lawrence Weston.

For more details please consult the project briefing sheet.