Project details

Funding bodies: EPSRC and RCUK Energy Programme.


  • University of Leeds
  • University of Aberdeen
  • Lancaster University
  • University of Brighton
  • The Open University
  • University of Glasgow

Dates: 2011-2014

Project summary

Disruption was a three year interdisciplinary project with a project team consisting of seven universities across the UK.

The Disruption project explored new approaches to tackling high-carbon travel patterns. It looked at how travel practices are formed and directed by underlying societal factors, arguing that people’s travel behaviour is less fixed and routine than it is often considered to be.

The project looked at the way people’s lives are frequently disrupted by a whole range of possible events, from family illnesses to volcanic ash clouds.

The insights that these disruptions provide helped to reveal the kinds of changes, to transport and other policy sectors such as health, education and business that are needed to inspire and facilitate a shift to lower carbon travel.

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